Sunday, November 7, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
優點 |
缺點 |
Copy Paste
Suddenly feel like not playing facebook anymore...
The reason should be facebook mean nothing to me...
Just a boring website page which entertain me during my free time...
Or because of the reason which i know i will get hurt every once i step in his profile...
Not because of jealously Not because of childish...
Is just because i start to know that I'm getting disappear in your eyes sight...
Even i less using phone too...
It is meaningless holding a phone that won't ring...
Maybe my phone will ring...
But the ringing is not from u...
Do i really fall for you...
This question is spinning on my mind...
Are you that important to me...
In the other hand...
Am I'm important in your heart...
Do you care what i write...
Do you care what my feels...
This answer has been hide deep inside the darkness...
Which i cant even find a light to get through it...
" I'm here "
The story is about a girl which not get notice by anyone...
She always stay in a corner, never speaker to classmate...
But she change when the boy notice her...
I wonder do u ever notice me...
I did asked u before this question...
& you also answer me...
Love to flirt around with pretty girls...
Or you are just a playboy that fooling me around...
But my feeling told me you were special...
Special enough till let me grow up once more again...
Yeaps for real you have a good looking...
You were rich...
You have the brain...
I can't confirm that i could tie your heart well...
Because there is much more girls outside waiting for U...
& have been prove I just let u go...
Is my fault...
Because I'm not that brave enough...
Not even be brave to speak out what i thinks...
Even you were just the same...
Never which to tell me the truth of your thinking...
Maybe for you that is not important...
Because you haven which to face the reality in this world...
Or maybe you did face the problem i had before...
That is why our thinking were totally different...
But the reason you liked me is what...
Is just because of my thinking...
& I'm sorry for failing it...
Make you disappoint Make myself hurt...
It all made by my barely hand...
Do you know every night when you have a nice sleep...
I'm totally different from U...
Looking at your picture...
My tears will drop...
Unlike U...
I'm not that famous as u...
And you did even try to stand at my side to think about me...
Please understand i'm not as strong as u are...
I'm not that confident as u were...
I have many black shadow around me which i can't even let go...
Yeaps i maybe different from other girl...
But please remember I'm also weaker than other girl...
I never blame anything...
Just blame that human love to lie people...
Human love to think of themselves only...
I really hope that we can have a nice chat
before we will regret
I dun mind after the chat we r not friend
I just care that at least we were true friend before
We know what each other thinking
But this hope never will happen
I promise
I never forget what you say before
It is not easy for me to fall in love with girls
Monday, October 4, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
钱不够用 T.T
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
有趣小贴士 xD
1. 额头长痘
2. 双眉间长痘
3. 鼻头长痘
4. 鼻翼长痘
5. 右边脸颊长痘
6. 左边脸颊长痘
1. 每天八杯水。清早没有 进食前一定要喝一大杯水,可以清肠胃。【相信很多美眉们是知道的,问题是做不做得到】
2. 每天一便。坚持养好良好习惯,排毒,必要时可吃香蕉调理一下。
3. 切忌熬夜。熬夜是美肌的最大天敌。
4. 洗面的时候,要彻底洗净,不要有残留的化妆品
5. 少玩电脑,手机不可以开机放床头,有辐射,对皮肤影响厉害。
6. 不可以用手挤痘痘,任其自己脱落,这样不易留痕。
7. 床套,枕头巾要定期清洗,否则会有很多螨虫滋生,睡觉的时候很易感染。
8. 最好在十一点前睡觉。 睡前不要吃宵夜。
9. 上火的东西尽量少吃。
10. 护肤品不要乱用,最好用一系列的产品,要了解自己是属于什么样的肤质。
11. 珍珠粉沟蜂蜜做面膜,可以去痘去印。
12. 白砂糖洗面:可以去印,而且面部会比以前更光滑,洗完脸后用砂糖洗洗,效果好好。
13. 用维生素E涂痘印,坚持涂痘,印子会逐渐变淡。
14. 多喝些花茶,可以美容皮肤。
15. 有痘的人睡觉一定要把流海给夹起来。这样不易造成前额生疮,也不会令生疮.去除痤疮疤痕把姜切片,临睡前用手指压 在疤痕处15分钟,第二天早上再洗掉,连续一周,你会发现这个方法对付痤疮疤痕非常有效。
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
All the world's a stage
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
To Be or Not To Be
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
要到了 要到了!!~
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010